Vote for Kathryn

Kathryn Roberts

Time to make a change for SC.


Time is ticking! The next election is in your hands. As republicans push to change election laws to support the big lie and take the vote back, you can still rise above! Casting a vote is your right, no matter your color or finances!

Countdown Clock

Jan 20, 2024

minimum wage
covid 19
Kathryn Roberts

Stop the insanity!

I am running for the state seat of the house of representatives, district 48, South Carolina. I am an average citizen who has always had an interest in politics, but I became very concerned with the direction our country is heading after the 2016 election.

There are many reasons why I finally decided to run for office but three of the main issues that concern me the most are income inequality, healthcare, and education.

Over the coming months, I look forward to learning from the people of my district and hearing about the issues that affect your family. I have created this site so we may come together as a community, get to know each other a little better, and discuss issues important to our community. Together we can make a difference and start to implement common sense reforms that are more in line with our community values.